Modules - Reference

Module syntax

The TypeScript compiler recognizes standard ECMAScript module syntax ↗ in TypeScript and JavaScript files and many forms of CommonJS syntax in JavaScript files.

There are also a few TypeScript-specific syntax extensions that can be used in TypeScript files and/or JSDoc comments.

Importing and exporting TypeScript-specific declarations

Type aliases, interfaces, enums, and namespaces can be exported from a module with an export modifier, like any standard JavaScript declaration:

// Standard JavaScript syntax...
exportfunctionf() {}
// ...extended to type declarations
exporttypeSomeType = /* ... */;
exportinterfaceSomeInterface { /* ... */ }

They can also be referenced in named exports, even alongside references to standard JavaScript declarations:

export { f, SomeType, SomeInterface };

Exported types (and other TypeScript-specific declarations) can be imported with standard ECMAScript imports:

import { f, SomeType, SomeInterface } from "./module.js";

When using namespace imports or exports, exported types are available on the namespace when referenced in a type position:

import * as mod from "./module.js";
mod.SomeType; // Property 'SomeType' does not exist on type 'typeof import("./module.js")'
letx: mod.SomeType; // Ok

Type-only imports and exports

When emitting imports and exports to JavaScript, by default, TypeScript automatically elides (does not emit) imports that are only used in type positions and exports that only refer to types. Type-only imports and exports can be used to force this behavior and make the elision explicit. Import declarations written with import type, export declarations written with export type { ... }, and import or export specifiers prefixed with the type keyword are all guaranteed to be elided from the output JavaScript.

// @Filename: main.ts
import { f, typeSomeInterface } from"./module.js";
importtype { SomeType } from"./module.js";

classCimplementsSomeInterface {
constructor(p: SomeType) {

exporttype { C };

// @Filename: main.js
import { f } from"./module.js";

classC {
constructor(p) {

Even values can be imported with import type, but since they won’t exist in the output JavaScript, they can only be used in non-emitting positions:

import type { f } from "./module.js";
f(); // 'f' cannot be used as a value because it was imported using 'import type'
letotherFunction: typeoff = () => {}; // Ok

A type-only import declaration may not declare both a default import and named bindings, since it appears ambiguous whether type applies to the default import or to the entire import declaration. Instead, split the import declaration into two, or use default as a named binding:

import type fs, { BigIntOptions } from "fs";
//          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Error: A type-only import can specify a default import or named bindings, but not both.

importtype { defaultasfs, BigIntOptions } from"fs"; // Ok

import() types

TypeScript provides a type syntax similar to JavaScript’s dynamic import for referencing the type of a module without writing an import declaration:

// Access an exported type:
typeWriteFileOptions = import("fs").WriteFileOptions;
// Access the type of an exported value:
typeWriteFileFunction = typeofimport("fs").writeFile;

This is especially useful in JSDoc comments in JavaScript files, where it’s not possible to import types otherwise:

/** @type {import("webpack").Configuration} */
module.exports = {
// ...

export = and import = require()

When emitting CommonJS modules, TypeScript files can use a direct analog of module.exports = ... and const mod = require("...") JavaScript syntax:

// @Filename: main.ts
importfs = require("fs");
export = fs.readFileSync("...");

// @Filename: main.js
"use strict";
constfs = require("fs");
module.exports = fs.readFileSync("...");

This syntax was used over its JavaScript counterparts since variable declarations and property assignments could not refer to TypeScript types, whereas special TypeScript syntax could:

// @Filename: a.ts
interfaceOptions { /* ... */ }
module.exports = Options; // Error: 'Options' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.
export = Options; // Ok

// @Filename: b.ts
constOptions = require("./a");
constoptions: Options = { /* ... */ }; // Error: 'Options' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here.

// @Filename: c.ts
importOptions = require("./a");
constoptions: Options = { /* ... */ }; // Ok

Ambient modules

TypeScript supports a syntax in script (non-module) files for declaring a module that exists in the runtime but has no corresponding file. These ambient modules usually represent runtime-provided modules, like "fs" or "path" in Node.js:

declare module "path" {
exportfunctionnormalize(p: string): string;
exportfunctionjoin(...paths: any[]): string;
exportvarsep: string;

Once an ambient module is loaded into a TypeScript program, TypeScript will recognize imports of the declared module in other files:

// 👇 Ensure the ambient module is loaded -
//    may be unnecessary if path.d.ts is included
//    by the project tsconfig.json somehow.
/// <referencepath="path.d.ts"/>

import { normalize, join } from"path";

Ambient module declarations are easy to confuse with module augmentations since they use identical syntax. This module declaration syntax becomes a module augmentation when the file is a module, meaning it has a top-level import or export statement (or is affected by --moduleDetection force or auto):

// Not an ambient module declaration anymore!
export {};
declaremodule"path" {
exportfunctionnormalize(p: string): string;
exportfunctionjoin(...paths: any[]): string;
exportvarsep: string;

Ambient modules may use imports inside the module declaration body to refer to other modules without turning the containing file into a module (which would make the ambient module declaration a module augmentation):

declare module "m" {
// Moving this outside "m" would totally change the meaning of the file!
import { SomeType } from"other";
exportfunctionf(): SomeType;

A pattern ambient module contains a single * wildcard character in its name, matching zero or more characters in import paths. This can be useful for declaring modules provided by custom loaders:

declare module "*.html" {
constcontent: string;

The module compiler option

This section discusses the details of each module compiler option value. See the Module output format theory section for more background on what the option is and how it fits into the overall compilation process. In brief, the module compiler option was historically only used to control the output module format of emitted JavaScript files. The more recent node16 and nodenext values, however, describe a wide range of characteristics of Node.js’s module system, including what module formats are supported, how the module format of each file is determined, and how different module formats interoperate.

node16, nodenext

Node.js supports both CommonJS and ECMAScript modules, with specific rules for which format each file can be and how the two formats are allowed to interoperate. node16 and nodenext describe the full range of behavior for Node.js’s dual-format module system, and emit files in either CommonJS or ESM format. This is different from every other module option, which are runtime-agnostic and force all output files into a single format, leaving it to the user to ensure the output is valid for their runtime.

A common misconception is that node16 and nodenext only emit ES modules. In reality, node16 and nodenext describe versions of Node.js that support ES modules, not just projects that use ES modules. Both ESM and CommonJS emit are supported, based on the detected module format of each file. Because node16 and nodenext are the only module options that reflect the complexities of Node.js’s dual module system, they are the only correct module options for all apps and libraries that are intended to run in Node.js v12 or later, whether they use ES modules or not.

node16 and nodenext are currently identical, with the exception that they imply different target option values. If Node.js makes significant changes to its module system in the future, node16 will be frozen while nodenext will be updated to reflect the new behavior.

Module format detection

  • .mts/.mjs/.d.mts files are always ES modules.
  • .cts/.cjs/.d.cts files are always CommonJS modules.
  • .ts/.tsx/.js/.jsx/.d.ts files are ES modules if the nearest ancestor package.json file contains "type": "module", otherwise CommonJS modules.

The detected module format of input .ts/.tsx/.mts/.cts files determines the module format of the emitted JavaScript files. So, for example, a project consisting entirely of .ts files will emit all CommonJS modules by default under --module nodenext, and can be made to emit all ES modules by adding "type": "module" to the project package.json.

Interoperability rules

  • When an ES module references a CommonJS module:- The module.exports of the CommonJS module is available as a default import to the ES module.
    • Properties (other than default) of the CommonJS module’s module.exports may or may not be available as named imports to the ES module. Node.js attempts to make them available via static analysis ↗. TypeScript cannot know from a declaration file whether that static analysis will succeed, and optimistically assumes it will. This limits TypeScript’s ability to catch named imports that may crash at runtime. See #54018 ↗ for more details.
  • When a CommonJS module references an ES module:- require cannot reference an ES module. For TypeScript, this includes import statements in files that are detected to be CommonJS modules, since those import statements will be transformed to require calls in the emitted JavaScript.
    • A dynamic import() call may be used to import an ES module. It returns a Promise of the module’s Module Namespace Object (what you’d get from import * as ns from "./module.js" from another ES module).


The emit format of each file is determined by the detected module format of each file. ESM emit is similar to --module esnext, but has a special transformation for import x = require("..."), which is not allowed in --module esnext:

import x = require("mod");
import { createRequire as _createRequire } from "module";
const__require = _createRequire(import.meta.url);
constx = __require("mod");

CommonJS emit is similar to --module commonjs, but dynamic import() calls are not transformed. Emit here is shown with esModuleInterop enabled:

import fs from "fs"; // transformed
constdynamic = import("mod"); // not transformed
"use strict";
var__importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default":mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value:true });
constfs_1 = __importDefault(require("fs")); // transformed
constdynamic = import("mod"); // not transformed

Implied and enforced options

  • --module nodenext or node16 implies and enforces the moduleResolution with the same name.
  • --module nodenext implies --target esnext.
  • --module node16 implies --target es2022.
  • --module nodenext or node16 implies --esModuleInterop.


  • node16 and nodenext are the only correct module options for all apps and libraries that are intended to run in Node.js v12 or later, whether they use ES modules or not.
  • node16 and nodenext emit files in either CommonJS or ESM format, based on the detected module format of each file.
  • Node.js’s interoperability rules between ESM and CJS are reflected in type checking.
  • ESM emit transforms import x = require("...") to a require call constructed from a createRequire import.
  • CommonJS emit leaves dynamic import() calls untransformed, so CommonJS modules can asynchronously import ES modules.

es2015, es2020, es2022, esnext


  • Use esnext with --moduleResolution bundler for bundlers, Bun, and tsx.
  • Do not use for Node.js. Use node16 or nodenext with "type": "module" in package.json to emit ES modules for Node.js.
  • import mod = require("mod") is not allowed in non-declaration files.
  • es2020 adds support for import.meta properties.
  • es2022 adds support for top-level await.
  • esnext is a moving target that may include support for Stage 3 proposals to ECMAScript modules.
  • Emitted files are ES modules, but dependencies may be any format.


import x, { y, z } from "mod";
constdynamic = import("mod");
console.log(x, y, z, mod, dynamic);

exportconste1 = 0;
exportdefault"default export";
import x, { y, z } from "mod";
constdynamic = import("mod");
console.log(x, y, z, mod, dynamic);

exportconste1 = 0;
exportdefault"default export";



  • You probably shouldn’t use this. Use node16 or nodenext to emit CommonJS modules for Node.js.
  • Emitted files are CommonJS modules, but dependencies may be any format.
  • Dynamic import() is transformed to a Promise of a require() call.
  • esModuleInterop affects the output code for default and namespace imports.


Output is shown with esModuleInterop: false.

import x, { y, z } from "mod";
constdynamic = import("mod");
console.log(x, y, z, mod, dynamic);

exportconste1 = 0;
exportdefault"default export";
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value:true });
exports.e1 = void0;
constmod_1 = require("mod");
constmod = require("mod");
constdynamic = Promise.resolve().then(() =>require("mod"));

console.log(mod_1.default, mod_1.y, mod_1.z, mod);
exports.e1 = 0;
exports.default = "default export";
import mod = require("mod");

export = {
"use strict";
constmod = require("mod");

module.exports = {




import x, { y, z } from "mod";
constdynamic = import("mod");
console.log(x, y, z, mod, dynamic);

exportconste1 = 0;
exportdefault"default export";
System.register(["mod"], function (exports_1, context_1) {
"use strict";
varmod_1, mod, dynamic, e1;
var__moduleName = context_1 &&;
return {
setters: [
function (mod_1_1) {
mod_1 = mod_1_1;
mod = mod_1_1;
execute:function () {
dynamic = context_1.import("mod");
console.log(mod_1.default, mod_1.y, mod_1.z, mod, dynamic);
exports_1("e1", e1 = 0);
exports_1("default", "default export");



  • Designed for AMD loaders like RequireJS.
  • You probably shouldn’t use this. Use a bundler instead.
  • Emitted files are AMD modules, but dependencies may be any format.
  • Supports outFile.


import x, { y, z } from "mod";
constdynamic = import("mod");
console.log(x, y, z, mod, dynamic);

exportconste1 = 0;
exportdefault"default export";
define(["require", "exports", "mod", "mod"], function (require, exports, mod_1, mod) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value:true });
exports.e1 = void0;
constdynamic = newPromise((resolve_1, reject_1) => { require(["mod"], resolve_1, reject_1); });

console.log(mod_1.default, mod_1.y, mod_1.z, mod, dynamic);
exports.e1 = 0;
exports.default = "default export";



  • Designed for AMD or CommonJS loaders.
  • Does not expose a global variable like most other UMD wrappers.
  • You probably shouldn’t use this. Use a bundler instead.
  • Emitted files are UMD modules, but dependencies may be any format.


import x, { y, z } from "mod";
constdynamic = import("mod");
console.log(x, y, z, mod, dynamic);

exportconste1 = 0;
exportdefault"default export";
(function (factory) {
if (typeofmodule === "object" && typeofmodule.exports === "object") {
varv = factory(require, exports);
if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
elseif (typeofdefine === "function" && define.amd) {
define(["require", "exports", "mod", "mod"], factory);
})(function (require, exports) {
"use strict";
var__syncRequire = typeofmodule === "object" && typeofmodule.exports === "object";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value:true });
exports.e1 = void0;
constmod_1 = require("mod");
constmod = require("mod");
constdynamic = __syncRequire ? Promise.resolve().then(() =>require("mod")) : newPromise((resolve_1, reject_1) => { require(["mod"], resolve_1, reject_1); });

console.log(mod_1.default, mod_1.y, mod_1.z, mod, dynamic);
exports.e1 = 0;
exports.default = "default export";

The moduleResolution compiler option

This section describes module resolution features and processes shared by multiple moduleResolution modes, then specifies the details of each mode. See the Module resolution theory section for more background on what the option is and how it fits into the overall compilation process. In brief, moduleResolution controls how TypeScript resolves module specifiers (string literals in import/export/require statements) to files on disk, and should be set to match the module resolver used by the target runtime or bundler.

Common features and processes

File extension substitution

TypeScript always wants to resolve internally to a file that can provide type information, while ensuring that the runtime or bundler can use the same path to resolve to a file that provides a JavaScript implementation. For any module specifier that would, according to the moduleResolution algorithm specified, trigger a lookup of a JavaScript file in the runtime or bundler, TypeScript will first try to find a TypeScript implementation file or type declaration file with the same name and analagous file extension.

Runtime lookup TypeScript lookup #1 TypeScript lookup #2 TypeScript lookup #3 TypeScript lookup #4 TypeScript lookup #5
/mod.js /mod.ts /mod.tsx /mod.d.ts /mod.js ./mod.jsx
/mod.mjs /mod.mts /mod.d.mts /mod.mjs
/mod.cjs /mod.cts /mod.d.cts /mod.cjs

Note that this behavior is independent of the actual module specifier written in the import. This means that TypeScript can resolve to a .ts or .d.ts file even if the module specifier explicitly uses a .js file extension:

import x from "./mod.js";
// Runtime lookup: "./mod.js"
// TypeScript lookup #1: "./mod.ts"
// TypeScript lookup #2: "./mod.d.ts"
// TypeScript lookup #3: "./mod.js"

See TypeScript imitates the host’s module resolution, but with types for an explanation of why TypeScript’s module resolution works this way.

Relative file path resolution

All of TypeScript’s moduleResolution algorithms support referencing a module by a relative path that includes a file extension (which will be substituted according to the rules above):

// @Filename: a.ts
export {};

// @Filename: b.ts
import {} from"./a.js"; // ✅ Works in every `moduleResolution`

Extensionless relative paths

In some cases, the runtime or bundler allows omitting a .js file extension from a relative path. TypeScript supports this behavior where the moduleResolution setting and the context indicate that the runtime or bundler supports it:

// @Filename: a.ts
export {};

// @Filename: b.ts
import {} from"./a";

If TypeScript determines that the runtime will perform a lookup for ./a.js given the module specifier "./a", then ./a.js will undergo extension substitution, and resolve to the file a.ts in this example.

Extensionless relative paths are not supported in import paths in Node.js, and are not always supported in file paths specified in package.json files. TypeScript currently never supports omitting a .mjs/.mts or .cjs/.cts file extension, even though some runtimes and bundlers do.

Directory modules (index file resolution)

In some cases, a directory, rather than a file, can be referenced as a module. In the simplest and most common case, this involves the runtime or bundler looking for an index.js file in a directory. TypeScript supports this behavior where the moduleResolution setting and the context indicate that the runtime or bundler supports it:

// @Filename: dir/index.ts
export {};

// @Filename: b.ts
import {} from"./dir";

If TypeScript determines that the runtime will perform a lookup for ./dir/index.js given the module specifier "./dir", then ./dir/index.js will undergo extension substitution, and resolve to the file dir/index.ts in this example.

Directory modules may also contain a package.json file, where resolution of the "main" and "types" fields are supported, and take precedence over index.js lookups. The "typesVersions" field is also supported in directory modules.

Note that directory modules are not the same as node_modules packages and only support a subset of the features available to packages, and are not supported at all in some contexts. Node.js considers them a legacy feature ↗.



TypeScript offers a way to override the compiler’s module resolution for bare specifiers with the paths compiler option. While the feature was originally designed to be used with the AMD module loader (a means of running modules in the browser before ESM existed or bundlers were widely used), it still has uses today when a runtime or bundler supports module resolution features that TypeScript does not model. For example, when running Node.js with --experimental-network-imports, you can manually specify a local type definition file for a specific https:// import:

"compilerOptions": {
"module": "nodenext",
"paths": {
"[email protected]": ["./node_modules/@types/lodash/index.d.ts"]
// Typed by ./node_modules/@types/lodash/index.d.ts due to `paths` entry
import { add } from"[email protected]";

It’s also common for apps built with bundlers to define convenience path aliases in their bundler configuration, and then inform TypeScript of those aliases with paths:

"compilerOptions": {
"module": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "bundler",
"paths": {
"@app/*": ["./src/*"]
paths does not affect emit

The paths option does not change the import path in the code emitted by TypeScript. Consequently, it’s very easy to create path aliases that appear to work in TypeScript but will crash at runtime:

"compilerOptions": {
"module": "nodenext",
"paths": {
"node-has-no-idea-what-this-is": ["./oops.ts"]
// TypeScript: ✅
// Node.js: 💥
import {} from"node-has-no-idea-what-this-is";

While it’s ok for bundled apps to set up paths, it’s very important that published libraries do not, since the emitted JavaScript will not work for consumers of the library without those users setting up the same aliases for both TypeScript and their bundler. Both libraries and apps can consider package.json "imports" as a standard replacement for convenience paths aliases.

paths should not point to monorepo packages or node_modules packages

While module specifiers that match paths aliases are bare specifiers, once the alias is resolved, module resolution proceeds on the resolved path as a relative path. Consequently, resolution features that happen for node_modules package lookups, including package.json "exports" field support, do not take effect when a paths alias is matched. This can lead to surprising behavior if paths is used to point to a node_modules package:

"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"pkg": ["./node_modules/pkg/dist/index.d.ts"],
"pkg/*": ["./node_modules/pkg/*"]

While this configuration may simulate some of the behavior of package resolution, it overrides any main, types, exports, and typesVersions the package’s package.json file defines, and imports from the package may fail at runtime.

The same caveat applies to packages referencing each other in a monorepo. Instead of using paths to make TypeScript artificially resolve "@my-scope/lib" to a sibling package, it’s best to use workspaces via npm ↗, yarn ↗, or pnpm ↗ to symlink your packages into node_modules, so both TypeScript and the runtime or bundler perform real node_modules package lookups. This is especially important if the monorepo packages will be published to npm—the packages will reference each other via node_modules package lookups once installed by users, and using workspaces allows you to test that behavior during local development.

Relationship to baseUrl

When baseUrl is provided, the values in each paths array are resolved relative to the baseUrl. Otherwise, they are resolved relative to the tsconfig.json file that defines them.

Wildcard substitutions

paths patterns can contain a single * wildcard, which matches any string. The * token can then be used in the file path values to substitute the matched string:

"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"@app/*": ["./src/*"]

When resolving an import of "@app/components/Button", TypeScript will match on @app/*, binding * to components/Button, and then attempt to resolve the path ./src/components/Button relative to the tsconfig.json path. The remainder of this lookup will follow the same rules as any other relative path lookup according to the moduleResolution setting.

When multiple patterns match a module specifier, the pattern with the longest matching prefix before any * token is used:

"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"*": ["./src/foo/one.ts"],
"foo/*": ["./src/foo/two.ts"],
"foo/bar": ["./src/foo/three.ts"]

When resolving an import of "foo/bar", all three paths patterns match, but the last is used because "foo/bar" is longer than "foo/" and "".


Multiple file paths can be provided for a path mapping. If resolution fails for one path, the next one in the array will be attempted until resolution succeeds or the end of the array is reached.

"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"*": ["./vendor/*", "./types/*"]


baseUrl was designed for use with AMD module loaders. If you aren’t using an AMD module loader, you probably shouldn’t use baseUrl. Since TypeScript 4.1, baseUrl is no longer required to use paths and should not be used just to set the directory paths values are resolved from.

The baseUrl compiler option can be combined with any moduleResolution mode and specifies a directory that bare specifiers (module specifiers that don’t begin with ./, ../, or /) are resolved from. baseUrl has a higher precedence than node_modules package lookups in moduleResolution modes that support them.

When performing a baseUrl lookup, resolution proceeds with the same rules as other relative path resolutions. For example, in a moduleResolution mode that supports extensionless relative paths a module specifier "some-file" may resolve to /src/some-file.ts if baseUrl is set to /src.

Resolution of relative module specifiers are never affected by the baseUrl option.

node_modules package lookups

Node.js treats module specifiers that aren’t relative paths, absolute paths, or URLs as references to packages that it looks up in node_modules subdirectories. Bundlers conveniently adopted this behavior to allow their users to use the same dependency management system, and often even the same dependencies, as they would in Node.js. All of TypeScript’s moduleResolution options except classic support node_modules lookups. (classic supports lookups in node_modules/@types when other means of resolution fail, but never looks for packages in node_modules directly.) Every node_modules package lookup has the following structure (beginning after higher precedence bare specifier rules, like paths, baseUrl, self-name imports, and package.json "imports" lookups have been exhausted):

  1. For each ancestor directory of the importing file, if a node_modules directory exists within it:
  2. If a directory with the same name as the package exists within node_modules: 1. Attempt to resolve types from the package directory. 2. If a result is found, return it and stop the search.
  3. If a directory with the same name as the package exists within node_modules/@types: 1. Attempt to resolve types from the @types package directory. 2. If a result is found, return it and stop the search.
  4. Repeat the previous search through all node_modules directories, but this time, allow JavaScript files as a result, and do not search in @types directories.

All moduleResolution modes (except classic) follow this pattern, while the details of how they resolve from a package directory, once located, differ, and are explained in the following sections.

package.json "exports"

When moduleResolution is set to node16, nodenext, or bundler, and resolvePackageJsonExports is not disabled, TypeScript follows Node.js’s package.json "exports" spec ↗ when resolving from a package directory triggered by a bare specifier node_modules package lookup.

TypeScript’s implementation for resolving a module specifier through "exports" to a file path follows Node.js exactly. Once a file path is resolved, however, TypeScript will still try multiple file extensions in order to prioritize finding types.

When resolving through conditional "exports", TypeScript always matches the "types" and "default" conditions if present. Additionally, TypeScript will match a versioned types condition in the form "types@{selector}" (where {selector} is a "typesVersions"-compatible version selector) according to the same version-matching rules implemented in "typesVersions". Other non-configurable conditions are dependent on the moduleResolution mode and specified in the following sections. Additional conditions can be configured to match with the customConditions compiler option.

Note that the presence of "exports" prevents any subpaths not explicitly listed or matched by a pattern in "exports" from being resolved.

Example: subpaths, conditions, and extension substitution

Scenario: "pkg/subpath" is requested with conditions ["types", "node", "require"] (determined by moduleResolution setting and the context that triggered the module resolution request) in a package directory with the following package.json:

"name": "pkg",
"exports": {
".": {
"import": "./index.mjs",
"require": "./index.cjs"
"./subpath": {
"import": "./subpath/index.mjs",
"require": "./subpath/index.cjs"

Resolution process within the package directory:

  1. Does "exports" exist? Yes.
  2. Does "exports" have a "./subpath" entry? Yes.
  3. The value at exports["./subpath"] is an object—it must be specifying conditions.
  4. Does the first condition "import" match this request? No.
  5. Does the second condition "require" match this request? Yes.
  6. Does the path "./subpath/index.cjs" have a recognized TypeScript file extension? No, so use extension substitution.
  7. Via extension substitution, try the following paths, returning the first one that exists, or undefined otherwise:
  8. ./subpath/index.cts
  9. ./subpath/index.d.cts
  10. ./subpath/index.cjs

If ./subpath/index.cts or ./subpath.d.cts exists, resolution is complete. Otherwise, resolution searches node_modules/@types/pkg and other node_modules directories in an attempt to resolve types, according to the node_modules package lookups rules. If no types are found, a second pass through all node_modules resolves to ./subpath/index.cjs (assuming it exists), which counts as a successful resolution, but one that does not provide types, leading to any-typed imports and a noImplicitAny error if enabled.

Example: explicit "types" condition

Scenario: "pkg/subpath" is requested with conditions ["types", "node", "import"] (determined by moduleResolution setting and the context that triggered the module resolution request) in a package directory with the following package.json:

"name": "pkg",
"exports": {
"./subpath": {
"import": {
"types": "./types/subpath/index.d.mts",
"default": "./es/subpath/index.mjs"
"require": {
"types": "./types/subpath/index.d.cts",
"default": "./cjs/subpath/index.cjs"

Resolution process within the package directory:

  1. Does "exports" exist? Yes.
  2. Does "exports" have a "./subpath" entry? Yes.
  3. The value at exports["./subpath"] is an object—it must be specifying conditions.
  4. Does the first condition "import" match this request? Yes.
  5. The value at exports["./subpath"].import is an object—it must be specifying conditions.
  6. Does the first condition "types" match this request? Yes.
  7. Does the path "./types/subpath/index.d.mts" have a recognized TypeScript file extension? Yes, so don’t use extension substitution.
  8. Return the path "./types/subpath/index.d.mts" if the file exists, undefined otherwise.
Example: versioned "types" condition

Scenario: using TypeScript 4.7.5, "pkg/subpath" is requested with conditions ["types", "node", "import"] (determined by moduleResolution setting and the context that triggered the module resolution request) in a package directory with the following package.json:

"name": "pkg",
"exports": {
"./subpath": {
"types@>=5.2": "./ts5.2/subpath/index.d.ts",
"types@>=4.6": "./ts4.6/subpath/index.d.ts",
"types": "./tsold/subpath/index.d.ts",
"default": "./dist/subpath/index.js"

Resolution process within the package directory:

  1. Does "exports" exist? Yes.
  2. Does "exports" have a "./subpath" entry? Yes.
  3. The value at exports["./subpath"] is an object—it must be specifying conditions.
  4. Does the first condition "types@>=5.2" match this request? No, 4.7.5 is not greater than or equal to 5.2.
  5. Does the second condition "types@>=4.6" match this request? Yes, 4.7.5 is greater than or equal to 4.6.
  6. Does the path "./ts4.6/subpath/index.d.ts" have a recognized TypeScript file extension? Yes, so don’t use extension substitution.
  7. Return the path "./ts4.6/subpath/index.d.ts" if the file exists, undefined otherwise.
Example: subpath patterns

Scenario: "pkg/wildcard.js" is requested with conditions ["types", "node", "import"] (determined by moduleResolution setting and the context that triggered the module resolution request) in a package directory with the following package.json:

"name": "pkg",
"type": "module",
"exports": {
"./*.js": {
"types": "./types/*.d.ts",
"default": "./dist/*.js"

Resolution process within the package directory:

  1. Does "exports" exist? Yes.
  2. Does "exports" have a "./wildcard.js" entry? No.
  3. Does any key with a * in it match "./wildcard.js"? Yes, "./*.js" matches and sets wildcard to be the substitution.
  4. The value at exports["./*.js"] is an object—it must be specifying conditions.
  5. Does the first condition "types" match this request? Yes.
  6. In ./types/*.d.ts, replace * with the substitution wildcard. ./types/wildcard.d.ts
  7. Does the path "./types/wildcard.d.ts" have a recognized TypeScript file extension? Yes, so don’t use extension substitution.
  8. Return the path "./types/wildcard.d.ts" if the file exists, undefined otherwise.
Example: "exports" block other subpaths

Scenario: "pkg/dist/index.js" is requested in a package directory with the following package.json:

"name": "pkg",
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"exports": "./dist/index.js"

Resolution process within the package directory:

  1. Does "exports" exist? Yes.
  2. The value at exports is a string—it must be a file path for the package root (".").
  3. Is the request "pkg/dist/index.js" for the package root? No, it has a subpath dist/index.js.
  4. Resolution fails; return undefined.

Without "exports", the request could have succeeded, but the presence of "exports" prevents resolving any subpaths that cannot be matched through "exports".

package.json "typesVersions"

A node_modules package or directory module may specify a "typesVersions" field in its package.json to redirect TypeScript’s resolution process according to the TypeScript compiler version, and for node_modules packages, according to the subpath being resolved. This allows package authors to include new TypeScript syntax in one set of type definitions while providing another set for backward compatibility with older TypeScript versions (through a tool like downlevel-dts ↗). "typesVersions" is supported in all moduleResolution modes; however, the field is not read in situations when package.json "exports" are read.

Example: redirect all requests to a subdirectory

Scenario: a module imports "pkg" using TypeScript 5.2, where node_modules/pkg/package.json is:

"name": "pkg",
"version": "1.0.0",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"typesVersions": {
">=3.1": {
"*": ["ts3.1/*"]

Resolution process:

  1. (Depending on compiler options) Does "exports" exist? No.
  2. Does "typesVersions" exist? Yes.
  3. Is the TypeScript version >=3.1? Yes. Remember the mapping "*": ["ts3.1/*"].
  4. Are we resolving a subpath after the package name? No, just the root "pkg".
  5. Does "types" exist? Yes.
  6. Does any key in "typesVersions" match ./index.d.ts? Yes, "*" matches and sets index.d.ts to be the substitution.
  7. In ts3.1/*, replace * with the substitution ./index.d.ts: ts3.1/index.d.ts.
  8. Does the path ./ts3.1/index.d.ts have a recognized TypeScript file extension? Yes, so don’t use extension substitution.
  9. Return the path ./ts3.1/index.d.ts if the file exists, undefined otherwise.
Example: redirect requests for a specific file

Scenario: a module imports "pkg" using TypeScript 3.9, where node_modules/pkg/package.json is:

"name": "pkg",
"version": "1.0.0",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"typesVersions": {
"<4.0": { "index.d.ts": ["index.v3.d.ts"] }

Resolution process:

  1. (Depending on compiler options) Does "exports" exist? No.
  2. Does "typesVersions" exist? Yes.
  3. Is the TypeScript version <4.0? Yes. Remember the mapping "index.d.ts": ["index.v3.d.ts"].
  4. Are we resolving a subpath after the package name? No, just the root "pkg".
  5. Does "types" exist? Yes.
  6. Does any key in "typesVersions" match ./index.d.ts? Yes, "index.d.ts" matches.
  7. Does the path ./index.v3.d.ts have a recognized TypeScript file extension? Yes, so don’t use extension substitution.
  8. Return the path ./index.v3.d.ts if the file exists, undefined otherwise.

package.json "main" and "types"

If a directory’s package.json "exports" field is not read (either due to compiler options, or because it is not present, or because the directory is being resolved as a directory module instead of a node_modules package) and the module specifier does not have a subpath after the package name or package.json-containing directory, TypeScript will attempt to resolve from these package.json fields, in order, in an attempt to find the main module for the package or directory:

  • "types"
  • "typings" (legacy)
  • "main"

The declaration file found at "types" is assumed to be an accurate representation of the implementation file found at "main". If "types" and "typings" are not present or cannot be resolved, TypeScript will read the "main" field and perform extension substitution to find a declaration file.

When publishing a typed package to npm, it’s recommended to include a "types" field even if extension substitution or package.json "exports" make it unnecessary, because npm shows a TS icon on the package registry listing only if the package.json contains a "types" field.

Package-relative file paths

If neither package.json "exports" nor package.json "typesVersions" apply, subpaths of a bare package specifier resolve relative to the package directory, according to applicable relative path resolution rules. In modes that respect [package.json "exports"], this behavior is blocked by the mere presence of the "exports" field in the package’s package.json, even if the import fails to resolve through "exports", as demonstrated in an example above. On the other hand, if the import fails to resolve through "typesVersions", a package-relative file path resolution is attempted as a fallback.

When package-relative paths are supported, they resolve under the same rules as any other relative path considering the moduleResolution mode and context. For example, in --moduleResolution nodenext, directory modules and extensionless paths are only supported in require calls, not in imports:

// @Filename: module.mts
import"pkg/dist/foo";                // ❌ import, needs `.js` extension
import"pkg/dist/foo.js";             // ✅
importfoo = require("pkg/dist/foo"); // ✅ require, no extension needed

package.json "imports" and self-name imports

When moduleResolution is set to node16, nodenext, or bundler, and resolvePackageJsonImports is not disabled, TypeScript will attempt to resolve import paths beginning with # through the the "imports" field of the nearest ancestor package.json of the importing file. Similarly, when package.json "exports" lookups are enabled, TypeScript will attempt to resolve import paths beginning with the current package name—that is, the value in the "name" field of the nearest ancestor package.json of the importing file—through the "exports" field of that package.json. Both of these features allow files in a package to import other files in the same package, replacing a relative import path.

TypeScript follows Node.js’s resolution algorithm for "imports" and self references ↗ exactly up until a file path is resolved. At that point, TypeScript’s resolution algorithm forks based on whether the package.json containing the "imports" or "exports" being resolved belongs to a node_modules dependency or the local project being compiled (i.e., its directory contains the tsconfig.json file for the project that contains the importing file):

  • If the package.json is in node_modules, TypeScript will apply extension substitution to the file path if it doesn’t already have a recognized TypeScript file extension, and check for the existence of the resulting file paths.
  • If the package.json is part of the local project, an additional remapping step is performed in order to find the input TypeScript implementation file that will eventually produce the output JavaScript or declaration file path that was resolved from "imports". Without this step, any compilation that resolves an "imports" path would be referencing output files from the previous compilation instead of other input files that are intended to be included in the current compilation. This remapping uses the outDir/declarationDir and rootDir from the tsconfig.json, so using "imports" usually requires an explicit rootDir to be set.

This variation allows package authors to write "imports" and "exports" fields that reference only the compilation outputs that will be published to npm, while still allowing local development to use the original TypeScript source files.

Example: local project with conditions

Scenario: "/src/main.mts" imports "#utils" with conditions ["types", "node", "import"] (determined by moduleResolution setting and the context that triggered the module resolution request) in a project directory with a tsconfig.json and package.json:

// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"moduleResolution": "node16",
"resolvePackageJsonImports": true,
"rootDir": "./src",
"outDir": "./dist"
// package.json
"name": "pkg",
"imports": {
"#utils": {
"import": "./dist/utils.d.mts",
"require": "./dist/utils.d.cts"

Resolution process:

  1. Import path starts with #, try to resolve through "imports".
  2. Does "imports" exist in the nearest ancestor package.json? Yes.
  3. Does "#utils" exist in the "imports" object? Yes.
  4. The value at imports["#utils"] is an object—it must be specifying conditions.
  5. Does the first condition "import" match this request? Yes.
  6. Should we attempt to map the output path to an input path? Yes, because:- Is the package.json in node_modules? No, it’s in the local project.
  • Is the tsconfig.json within the package.json directory? Yes.
  1. In ./dist/utils.d.mts, replace the outDir prefix with rootDir. ./src/utils.d.mts
  2. Replace the output extension .d.mts with the corresponding input extension .mts. ./src/utils.mts
  3. Return the path "./src/utils.mts" if the file exists.
  4. Otherwise, return the path "./dist/utils.d.mts" if the file exists.
Example: node_modules dependency with subpath pattern

Scenario: "/node_modules/pkg/main.mts" imports "#internal/utils" with conditions ["types", "node", "import"] (determined by moduleResolution setting and the context that triggered the module resolution request) with the package.json:

// /node_modules/pkg/package.json
"name": "pkg",
"imports": {
"#internal/*": {
"import": "./dist/internal/*.mjs",
"require": "./dist/internal/*.cjs"

Resolution process:

  1. Import path starts with #, try to resolve through "imports".
  2. Does "imports" exist in the nearest ancestor package.json? Yes.
  3. Does "#internal/utils" exist in the "imports" object? No, check for pattern matches.
  4. Does any key with a * match "#internal/utils"? Yes, "#internal/*" matches and sets utils to be the substitution.
  5. The value at imports["#internal/*"] is an object—it must be specifying conditions.
  6. Does the first condition "import" match this request? Yes.
  7. Should we attempt to map the output path to an input path? No, because the package.json is in node_modules.
  8. In ./dist/internal/*.mjs, replace * with the substitution utils. ./dist/internal/utils.mjs
  9. Does the path ./dist/internal/utils.mjs have a recognized TypeScript file extension? No, try extension substitution.
  10. Via extension substitution, try the following paths, returning the first one that exists, or undefined otherwise:
  11. ./dist/internal/utils.mts
  12. ./dist/internal/utils.d.mts
  13. ./dist/internal/utils.mjs

node16, nodenext

These modes reflect the module resolution behavior of Node.js v12 and later. (node16 and nodenext are currently identical, but if Node.js makes significant changes to its module system in the future, node16 will be frozen while nodenext will be updated to reflect the new behavior.) In Node.js, the resolution algorithm for ECMAScript imports is significantly different from the algorithm for CommonJS require calls. For each module specifier being resolved, the syntax and the module format of the importing file are first used to determine whether the module specifier will be in an import or require in the emitted JavaScript. That information is then passed into the module resolver to determine which resolution algorithm to use (and whether to use the "import" or "require" condition for package.json "exports" or "imports").

TypeScript files that are determined to be in CommonJS format may still use import and export syntax by default, but the emitted JavaScript will use require and module.exports instead. This means that it’s common to see import statements that are resolved using the require algorithm. If this causes confusion, the verbatimModuleSyntax compiler option can be enabled, which prohibits the use of import statements that would be emitted as require calls.

Note that dynamic import() calls are always resolved using the import algorithm, according to Node.js’s behavior. However, import() types are resolved according to the format of the importing file (for backward compatibility with existing CommonJS-format type declarations):

// @Filename: module.mts
importxfrom"./mod.js";             // `import` algorithm due to file format (emitted as-written)
import("./mod.js");                   // `import` algorithm due to syntax (emitted as-written)
typeMod = typeofimport("./mod.js"); // `import` algorithm due to file format
importmod = require("./mod");        // `require` algorithm due to syntax (emitted as `require`)

// @Filename: commonjs.cts
importxfrom"./mod";                // `require` algorithm due to file format (emitted as `require`)
import("./mod.js");                   // `import` algorithm due to syntax (emitted as-written)
typeMod = typeofimport("./mod");    // `require` algorithm due to file format
importmod = require("./mod");        // `require` algorithm due to syntax (emitted as `require`)

Implied and enforced options

Supported features

Features are listed in order of precedence.

import require
node_modules package lookups
package.json "exports" ✅ matches types, node, import ✅ matches types, node, require
package.json "imports" and self-name imports ✅ matches types, node, import ✅ matches types, node, require
package.json "typesVersions"
Package-relative paths ✅ when exports not present ✅ when exports not present
Full relative paths
Extensionless relative paths
Directory modules


--moduleResolution bundler attempts to model the module resolution behavior common to most JavaScript bundlers. In short, this means supporting all the behaviors traditionally associated with Node.js’s CommonJS require resolution algorithm like node_modules lookups, directory modules, and extensionless paths, while also supporting newer Node.js resolution features like package.json "exports" and package.json "imports".

This is very similar to the behavior of node16 and nodenext resolving in CommonJS mode, but in bundler, the conditions used to resolve package.json "exports" and "imports" are always "types" and "import". To understand why, let’s compare against what happens to an import in a .ts file in nodenext:

// index.ts
import { foo } from"pkg";

In --module nodenext --moduleResolution nodenext, the --module setting first determines whether the import will be emitted to the .js file as an import or require call and passes that information to TypeScript’s module resolver, which decides whether to match "import" or "require" conditions accordingly. This ensures TypeScript’s module resolution process, although working from input .ts files, reflects what will happen in Node.js’s module resolution process when it runs the output .js files.

When using a bundler, on the other hand, the bundler typically processes the raw .ts files directly and runs its module resolution process on the untransformed import statement. In this scenario, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to think about how TypeScript will emit the import, because TypeScript isn’t being used to emit anything at all. As far as the bundler is concerned, imports are imports and requires are requires, so the conditions used to resolve package.json "exports" and "imports" are determined by the syntax seen in the input .ts file. Likewise, the conditions TypeScript’s module resolution process uses in --moduleResolution bundler are also determined by the input syntax in input TypeScript files—it’s just that require calls are not currently resolved at all:

// Some library file:
declarefunctionrequire(module: string): any;

// index.ts
import { foo } from"pkg";    // Resolved with "import" condition
importpkg2 = require("pkg"); // Not allowed
constpkg = require("pkg");   // Not an error, but not resolved to anything
// ^? any

Since TypeScript doesn’t currently support resolving require calls in --moduleResolution bundler, everything it does resolve uses the "import" condition.

Implied and enforced options

  • --moduleResolution bundler must be paired with the --module esnext option.
  • --moduleResolution bundler implies --allowSyntheticDefaultImports.

Supported features

node10 (formerly known as node)

--moduleResolution node was renamed to node10 (keeping node as an alias for backward compatibility) in TypeScript 5.0. It reflects the CommonJS module resolution algorithm as it existed in Node.js versions earlier than v12. It should no longer be used.

Supported features


Do not use classic.

Last updated on