Module: Class
// to understand common workarounds for this limitation of ES6 modules.
/*~ If this module is a UMD module that exposes a global variable ‘myClassLib’ when *~ loaded outside a module loader environment, declare that global here. *~ Otherwise, delete this declaration. */ exportasnamespace"super-greeter";
/*~ This declaration specifies that the class constructor function *~ is the exported object from the file */ export = Greeter;
/*~ Write your module’s methods and properties in this class */ declareclassGreeter { constructor(customGreeting?: string);
greet: void;
myMethod(opts: MyClass.MyClassMethodOptions): number; }
/*~ If you want to expose types from your module as well, you can *~ place them in this block. *~ *~ Note that if you decide to include this namespace, the module can be *~ incorrectly imported as a namespace object, unless *~ –esModuleInterop is turned on: *~ import * as x from ‘[~THE MODULE~]’; // WRONG! DO NOT DO THIS! */ declarenamespaceMyClass { exportinterfaceMyClassMethodOptions { width?: number; height?: number; } }